What is the secret of Manuka honey and its healing properties?

Manuka Honey is made by bees from the Manuka bush in New Zealand and Australia. It is one of the most unique types of honey because it is considered to be very potent compared to other varieties. Prices for a jar of Manuka honey range from 20 to 70 euros. I will explain the reasons for this price difference later in this article.

The effectiveness of Manuka Honey
Several decades ago, researchers from various groups examined the honey. They concluded that Manuka honey possesses strong antibacterial properties, higher than in other types of honey. Manuka honey can be used to treat various ailments such as insomnia, gastrointestinal issues (SIBO), acne, eczema, (burn) wounds, insomnia, and gum inflammation.

Here’s what you need to know before purchasing a jar:
The antibacterial activity in the honey is called the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF). The higher the active UMF value, the stronger the healing effect. For example, a label indicating 15+ has the same antiseptic effect as a solution containing 15% Phenol, a disinfectant. The level of UMF contained in the honey can vary by region, season, and also depends on the period of flowering and harvesting.

UMF is registered as a global trademark to guarantee the quality of the honey. To use the UMF designation, the active value must be 10 or higher.

The antibacterial activity of Manuka honey has also been found to be related to Methylglyoxal (MGO). This is the compound that contains the antibacterial properties. In regular honey, this compound is found in proportions of 20-50 mg/kg. In Manuka honey, however, this compound is found in such high concentrations (up to 800 mg/kg) that the antibacterial activity can truly be considered unique. This is the reason why Manuka honey and derived products are much more expensive than “ordinary” honey (5).

Comparison Overview of UMF and MGO:
UMF 10+ MGO 100
UMF 15+ MGO 250
UMF 20+ MGO 400
UMF 25+ MGO 550

Price Difference
There are (active) Manuka honey brands that do not have a UMF® license. The antibacterial efficacy of these honey brands without this license cannot be guaranteed. This explains the price difference. A UMF value below 10 is not stable in its efficacy and therefore cannot be called medicinal Manuka honey.

Therefore, always look for the license number when purchasing Manuka honey. This is indicated on the jar’s sticker. Moreover, regulations in New Zealand also stipulate that Manuka honey must be packaged, sealed, and labelled in New Zealand (5).

Does Manuka honey really work for acne?
Let’s return to what Manuka honey can do for your skin. The internet is slowly filling up with claims that Manuka honey is the miracle cure for acne and eczema patients. At the moment, there have not been enough clinical studies to support these claims. However, given its proven antimicrobial and healing properties, it is believed that honey may help with these skin conditions (3).

You could always give it a try, as I did. Trying can’t hurt (unless you have a bee or pollen allergy). I don’t personally suffer from acne, but you can still use Manuka honey as a facial mask. My skin became very soft and hydrated as a result. If you want to try honey to get rid of your pimples, apply it to the affected areas for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off with water. Repeat this daily or every other day for the best results.

Below is a list of some honey jars that have UMF license:

  • Manuka Health Manuka Honing Mgo 550+ (250g)
  • MANUKA HONING (MGO ≥ 514 =) UMF® 15+ 250gr / MANUKORA
  • Manuka Honing umf 10+ 250 gram

Let me know your thoughts! Good luck!

With love,, Fabienne